Child intelligence also depends on upbringing, and you should position yourself like this

Static behavior leads to a halt in cognitive development, so let children crawl, get dirty, jump, run, and climb trees…

The height of the intelligence quotient that a particular person can boast of and possess depends on two factors – genetic inheritance and environmental influence. Genes are merely the potential that someone receives at birth, while the extent to which that potential is realized depends on environmental influences.

The brain is bigger when you live with your parents

This fact is best illustrated by a study conducted by representatives of the Royal College in London on children in orphanages in Romania. According to the research results, these children had brains that were 8.6% smaller compared to their peers who grew up with their parents, and the longer they spent in orphanages, the smaller their brains became. The most affected areas of the brain were those related to organizational functions, motivation, information integration, and memory.

Necessary stimulation in early development

The development of intelligence begins before birth and largely depends on the mother’s nutrition, health, mental state, and activity. By the age of five, as much as 50% of synapses develop, an additional 25% by the age of seven, around 24% by the age of twelve, and only one percent by the end of life. However, since the brain is the largest consumer in our body, it will discard the synapses that are not used. For this reason, stimulation in early development is essential for achieving intellectual potentials.

The development of intelligence begins before birth

Do not overprotect children

It is important to know that the key to progress lies in the zone of proximal development. This term refers to the skills that a child cannot perform independently but requires a little assistance. A child does not progress when constantly repeating what they already know, and forcing a child beyond their capabilities is frustrating and does more harm than good. Dr. Ranko Rajović, the founder of Mensa Serbia and author of the NTC learning program, emphasizes that people make mistakes when they overprotect children, preventing them from crawling so they don’t get dirty, stopping them from jumping, running, spinning, and climbing trees, puréeing food longer than necessary, and pushing them in strollers…

Neurons encourage children to jump

Inactive neurons die off, and it is precisely the neurons that encourage children to jump, which activates all the muscles to maintain balance. Crawling in a specific way stimulates the palms and thus promotes brain development. Static positions and pushing children in strollers lead to stagnation in cognitive development and flat feet, while not chewing food negatively affects immunity and leads to delays in speech development, as the tongue muscles are not activated. To promote development, it is important that play consists of complex and dynamic movements, as this positively impacts not only cognitive but also social-emotional development. The program incorporates learning traffic signs, ball games, jumping, crawling, spinning in circles, and riddles.